vineri, 22 aprilie 2022

A Youth Exchange Experience

I am about to tell you something memorable. I am so excited to share my experience form the "Business Pioneers" Youth Exchange Project that I attended between 17th and 27th of February 2022. Amazing time, amazing people, amazing opportunity!

We began by getting to know each other through a few fun games. Then, we participated in activities such as "Mission (Im)possible" in which we completed tasks while finding out more information about the rest of the participants. This type of coordinated interactions made us truly a team, not just a random group of people.

The knowledge I gained about social entrepreneurship will forever be useful to me. Luckily, the only requirement for non-formal education is creativity. Everything else is based on a set of skills which you develop or improve throughout the project. You learn how to learn, you understand new principles and facts on every topic. In addition, the facilitators guided us accordingly in every situation. They also explained the information clear enough for us to understand, to remember and to use it during the activities.

Everything was fun and games during the daytime but when the night fell, the party began. Every. Night. Every country had the chance to be in charge of the grand nighttime event. Of course, I mean the cultural nights. Were you really thinking about something else? For example, at the beginning of the Romanian cultural night, everybody was greeted with traditional live music. After that, we presented our beautiful country with 2 videos and then the game started. We organized a tasting traditional mini-dinner with representative food and drinks. And then we danced. And partied. And socialized. And had a good time.

Here are some pictures that tell the story of the project in a nutshell.

I'm looking forward to your reply! Let's participate in a project together! Join me next time "Initiative Sociale" organizes a project!
P.S. Tell your friends!



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